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Гехаймполитик >> Унд унгехайм аух >> Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
(Message started by: otto на 03/18/08 в 10:22:22)

Заголовок: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем otto на 03/18/08 в 10:22:22
Просто феерическая история в одном из университетов США - трудно поверить, до каких чудес могут дойти политкорректоры:

Crime and punishment for reading (http://www.reporternews.com/news/2008/mar/08/crime-and-punishment-for-reading/)

By Kathleen Parker
Saturday, March 8, 2008

If an author can't make the Oprah cut, the next best thing may be getting censured by a university.

Ever heard of Todd Tucker?

Didn't think so. Obviously, some have because he has books and readers. But he's not Michael Crichton or John Grisham.


Tucker's name recently surfaced beyond Amazon's pages when one of his books sparked an investigation at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) because a janitor was reading it.

So you're thinking, this book must have been pretty bad. Something like "Poached Puppies and Other Pet Recipes" or "What's So Wrong With Necrophilia?"

No, the book was a nonfiction account of a real incident in American history -- "Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan" (Loyola Press).

The current controversy began last fall when Keith John Sampson, a student and university employee in his 50s, was reading Tucker's book during a break from his janitorial duties.

Wrong place, wrong time, wrong book.

.... (http://www.reporternews.com/news/2008/mar/08/crime-and-punishment-for-reading/)


таков он, этот сверкающий мир политкорректно-толерантного будущего, каким нам его готовят....  :'(

с уважением,

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем Nadia Yar на 03/18/08 в 15:14:57
:) В который раз тихо радуюсь, что моя мать в своё время отказалась уехать в Штаты. Нехватало только жить в этом дурдоме.

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем eva_himmler на 03/18/08 в 22:24:12

on 03/18/08 в 15:14:57, Nadia Yar wrote:
:) В который раз тихо радуюсь, что моя мать в своё время отказалась уехать в Штаты. Нехватало только жить в этом дурдоме.

Знаешь, девчонка, я, конечно, не мать :), но мне предлагали в свое время работу в США. Я отказалась категорически.  И колебаний не было.

Ясен пень, почему? :)

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем Ингвалл на 03/19/08 в 16:18:47
Пламенное за это вам обеим спасибо от всей Америки!

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем Nadia Yar на 03/19/08 в 17:43:33
Дык не за что. Нормальный человек и безо всякого спасибо в дурдом жить не поедет. :) Даже с доплатой.

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем Nadia Yar на 03/19/08 в 17:45:25
Вот, сокращённый перевод сабжа: http://users.livejournal.com/_lapochka/454361.html

И ещё в тему: http://users.livejournal.com/_lapochka/454458.html 8-)

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем Lee на 03/23/08 в 00:05:28
Странно что это стало новостью. Еще в 70х годах прошлого века  в США такие темы исследований по Достоевскому загибали... Имено перечитывая старые номера "Иностранной литературы"  я, нормальный советский пионер, узнавал выражения вроде  "садомазохистский подсознательный комплекс". ;)

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем Nadia Yar на 03/23/08 в 01:49:18
Не знаю, не знаю. Мне как-то нравятся страны, в которых человек может сесть за стол среди коллег и читать - в легальных рамках - что хочет. США к таким странам не относились никогда. "Зачем мне менять одного тирана, проживающего за три тысячи миль отсюда, на три тысячи тиранов, проживающих на расстоянии мили?" (с)

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем Lee на 03/24/08 в 22:08:26
Пардон -- я со своим хилым английским воспринял это как какой-то литературоведческий казус, вроде "неправильного отражения ККК в свете подавляемого трансвестизма и политкрректности".

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем Nadia Yar на 03/25/08 в 06:32:18
Так я ж перевела суть дела (ссылка выше).

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем otto на 04/09/08 в 19:39:25
England is not a dirty word (http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/campaigns/our_boys/article949586.ece)

PATRIOTIC squaddie Craig Briggs has been barred from joining the police — because he’s got an ENGLAND tattoo on his arm.

The Iraq veteran, 22, had wanted to be a cop since childhood and was advised to join the Army to get experience first.

But when he applied he was told: “Unfortunately, some people feel intimidated by the word England.”

Last night Craig, who has just completed 4,5 years with the 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment, said: “I am shocked and disgusted.

"I don’t understand how it can cause offence. It is our country, after all.”

Craig applied to join Greater Manchester Police shortly before returning to civvy street this month.

When he admitted he had a tattoo, he was asked to send a photo of the inch-high Gothic letters spelling ENGLAND on the underside of his right forearm.

He was later told he had been rejected by the recruitment department.

It wrote: “Home Office policy precludes applications with tattoos on lower arm, hand, face or neck that are prominent, which may cause offence and/or invite provocation from the public or colleagues.”

Craig, of Batley, West Yorks, has had the tattoo — which starts at his elbow and ends at his wrist — since he was 19.

He said he was told in a phone call by the Manchester force’s senior recruitment consultant: “A family who aren’t of English origin who see England on your arm could feel you might discriminate against them.

"We live in a diverse society and try to ensure we give everybody equality.”

Craig said: “I’ve been told I could get the tattoo altered so it doesn’t spell England any more.


"But I’m now looking at other options like the fire service or prison service.”

A force spokesman said: “We expect officers to look professional.

"This tattoo was clearly visible. As it does not meet our rigorous standards, his application was rejected.”

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем R2R на 04/09/08 в 20:29:49
(посмотрев на фотку)
По-моему, тому, кто сходу прочитает там слово "England", сразу полагается печенька.
Очень уж невразумительный шрифт.

Заголовок: Re: Чтение, как Преступление и Наказание...
Прислано пользователем otto на 07/09/08 в 00:05:51
Prayer refusal pupils 'disciplined' (http://uk.news.yahoo.com/pressass/20080704/tuk-prayer-refusal-pupils-disciplined-6323e80.html)

Press Assoc. - Saturday, July 5 03:16 amAn education authority is investigating claims that two school pupils were punished for refusing to kneel down and pray to Allah during a religious education lesson.

Parents complained after the boys, Year 7 pupils at Alsager High School in Cheshire, were given detention for being "disrespectful" to the prophet, the Congleton Chronicle reported.

Parent Sharon Luinen told the paper: "This isn't right, it's taking things too far.

"I understand that they have to learn about other religions, I can live with that, but it is taking it a step too far to be punished because they wouldn't join in Muslim prayer. Making them pray to Allah, who isn't who they worship, is wrong and what got me is that they were told they were being disrespectful."

The school is believed to have received complaints from five sets of parents since the alleged incident on Tuesday.

Another parent, Karen Williams, said: "I am absolutely furious my daughter was made to take part in it and I don't find it acceptable. I haven't got a problem with them teaching my child other religions and a small amount of information doesn't do any harm.

"But not only did they have to pray, the teacher had gone into the class and made them watch a short film and then said 'We are now going out to pray to Allah'. And then two boys got detention and all the other children missed their refreshments break because of the teacher."

She added: "My child has been forced to pray to Allah in a school lesson."

The incident is believed to have taken place during a practical demonstration of how Allah is worshipped.

Cheshire County Council confirmed that parents had complained about the lesson, and said the circumstances of the incident were to be "thoroughly" looked into.

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