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(Message started by: Ципор на 05/27/06 в 14:41:13)

Заголовок: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 05/27/06 в 14:41:13


The U.N.'s Refugees
The international body gives aid and comfort to terrorists.

Thursday, April 18, 2002 12:01 a.m. EDT

JERUSALEM--On Monday, France, Belgium and four other European Union members endorsed a U.N. Human Rights Commission resolution condoning "all available means, including armed struggle" to establish a Palestinian state. Hence, six EU members and the commission now join the 57 nations of the Islamic Conference in legitimizing suicide bombers. By their logic of moral equivalence, terror is justifiable because its root cause is Israel's occupation. That Palestinian terror predates occupation, or that suicide bombings became a tactic of choice only after the initiation of the Oslo process, is too inconvenient to mention.

Unfortunately the U.N. goes beyond giving rhetorical support for terrorism. In a variety of ways, its agencies have been complicit in Middle Eastern terror.

Start with the refugee camps. The U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees began operation in 1950. The establishment of Israel, and its simultaneous invasion by five Arab states, resulted in the creation of approximately 600,000 Palestinian refugees. An equivalent number of Jews fled their homes in Iraq, Egypt, Yemen and other Arab countries, and settled in Israel.
As disruptive as it was, the number of Jewish and Arab refugees pales in comparison to that created by the partition of India. There are today more than 100 million descendants of the original 15 million Indian and Pakistani refugees. The U.N. remained outside the conflict, and provided no political or economic incentive for refugees not to settle. Too bad the same restraint has not characterized the behavior of the U.N. and Arab states in the Middle East.

As it is, UNRWA and the Arab League hold Palestinian refugees in limbo. UNRWA operates 27 refugee camps in the West Bank and Gaza, and another 32 camps in neighboring Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. It counts nearly four million Palestinians as refugees, including those whose grandparents never saw Palestine. (If U.N. High Commission for Refugees criteria are applied, the figure is significantly lower.) In 2001 alone, UNRWA spent $310 million on the camps.

It is these camps that have been at the center of violence between Israeli forces and Palestinian gunmen. On Feb. 28, following a series of Palestinian terror attacks in Israel (including an attack on a young girl's bat mitzvah celebration), Israeli forces rolled into the Jenin and Balata refugee camps. They remained for three days. Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer explained the Israeli strategy: "We are interested in one thing only, to stop and disrupt this wave of suicide attacks. We intend to go in and get out."

U.N. officials were instantaneous in their condemnation. Kofi Annan called on Israel "to withdraw immediately." High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson labeled the incursions "in total disregard of international human rights." On March 21, a UNRWA spokesman called on Israel to compensate the agency for damage to its refugee camps.

Israel's raids did damage the camps. But as a result of the operation, Israel uncovered illegal arms caches, bomb factories and a plant manufacturing the new Kassam-2 rocket, designed to reach Israeli population centers from the West Bank and Gaza. Confronted with evidence of illegal Palestinian mines, mortars and missiles, no U.N. official questioned how it was that bomb factories could exist in U.N.-managed refugee camps. (*) Either the U.N. officials were unaware of the bomb factories--which would suggest utter incompetence--or, more likely, the U.N. employees simply turned a blind eye.

Unfortunately, UNRWA is not alone in reinforcing the U.N.'s reputation as an organization incapable of fighting terror. On May 24, 2000, Israel unilaterally pulled back from southern Lebanon, a withdrawal the U.N. certified to be complete. Terror did not end, though. On Oct. 7, 2000, Hezbollah guerrillas crossed the border and kidnapped three Israeli soldiers (including one Israeli Arab), all of whom they subsequently killed. Observers from the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon videotaped the scene of the kidnapping, including the getaway cars, and some guerrillas.
Inexplicably, they then hid the videotape. Questioned by Israeli officials, Terje Roed-Larsen, the U.N. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, chided Israel for "questioning the good faith of senior United Nations officials." When after eight months the U.N. finally admitted to possessing the tape, officials balked at showing it to the Israeli government since that might "undermine U.N. neutrality."  That U.N. observers protected and defended guerrillas who crossed a U.N.-certified border, using cars with U.N. license plates while under the cover of U.N. flags, was apparently of no consequence to UNIFIL. Pronouncements aside, U.N. moral equivalency in practice dictates that terrorists are equal to states. Fighting terror compromises U.N. neutrality.

The U.N. has turned a blind eye to terror in Iraq as well. Throughout the spring and summer of 2001, a series of bomb explosions wracked the safe haven of northern Iraq. Kurdish authorities long suspected the complicity of certain U.N. drivers who crossed freely between the safe haven and Iraq proper. On July 19, 2001, Kurdish security arrested a Tunisian U.N. driver found in possession of explosives. A Yemeni national serving as deputy director of the U.N. mission in northern Iraq demanded that the driver be released before any investigation could be completed; he was. The U.N.'s reputation, in other words, trumps protecting innocents from Saddam Hussein's bombs.

The U.N. has a terrorism problem. Syria, a nation that hosts more terror groups than any other, sits on the Security Council. Along with Iran, Syria is a prime sponsor of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Just two months after Nasrallah declared that "Jews invented the legend of the Nazi atrocities" and that Israel was a "cancerous body in the region . . . [which] must be uprooted," Mr. Annan bestowed international legitimacy upon Nasrallah by agreeing to an unprecedented meeting.

U.N. officials can make all the high-sounding pronouncements they desire, but if the U.N. wishes to defuse regional tensions and signal that terrorism is not acceptable, then there must be no equivocation. Perhaps Mr. Annan can be forgiven for not being aware that U.N.-funded refugee camps housed arms factories, or for allowing U.N. complicity in terror cover-ups in Lebanon and Iraq. But in a Middle East where perception is more important than reality, Mr. Annan's silence is deafening and his moral equivalency is interpreted as a green light for terror. The main casualty is U.N. credibility.

Mr. Rubin is an adjunct scholar of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.

(*) Возможно, эти объяснения мы получим от присутствующей здесь Credentes?  :)

Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем credentes на 05/29/06 в 19:17:29
Prezhde vsego, dumaju objasnenija Vam stoit poiskat v press-sluzhbe OON, kotoruju ja ne predstavliaju.
K tomu zhe eta statja po mojemu mneniju ochen predvziataja. Dumaju jeje sledujet sravnit s tekstami otchetov komitetov OON i vyjasnit v chem delo.
Israil - chlen sovbeza OON, i dumaju chto jesli by dela obstojali tak, on by podnial etot vopros oficialno.
Eto vsego lish mnenije odnogo cheloveka

S uvazhenijem


Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 05/29/06 в 19:22:58
Историю с кассетой я помню. Так и было. Перечисленное в статье на территории лагерей находили. Возможно, лагеря находятся не под управлением ООН? :)

Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем credentes на 05/29/06 в 19:25:19
Mne eto neizvestno. No chto bylo v lageriah - ja uzhe privodila v otryvke otcheta iz rassledovanij po Jenin

S uvazhenijem


Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 05/29/06 в 19:27:08

on 05/29/06 в 19:25:19, credentes wrote:
Mne eto neizvestno. No chto bylo v lageriah - ja uzhe privodila v otryvke otcheta iz rassledovanij po Jenin

Где? Я помню отрывки, касающиеся гибели мирных людей при вводе израильских войск в лагеря беженцев. А про деятельность палестинцев на территории этих лагерей я пропустила, похоже.

Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем credentes на 05/29/06 в 19:27:37

Так и было.

Bylo ofitsialnoje rassledovanije, opublikovany rezultaty?
S takoj tochki zrenija u Israila krugom vragi. Nachinaja ot OON i konchaja pravozashitnikami.

S uvazhenijem


Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем credentes на 05/29/06 в 19:29:32

Где? Я помню отрывки, касающиеся гибели мирных людей при вводе израильских войск в лагеря беженцев. А про деятельность палестинцев на территории этих лагерей я пропустила, похоже.

Tam ne tolko gibel mirnyh ludej. Napadenija na pravozashitnikov, b tom chisle izrailskih, strelba po ambulance, voobshe horosho poveselilis. Eto navernoje izderzhki pri poiskah?

S uvazhenijem


Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 05/29/06 в 19:54:01

on 05/29/06 в 19:29:32, credentes wrote:
Eto navernoje izderzhki pri poiskah?

Совершенно верно. Или вы полагаете, что там учения проводились? Я уже не удивлюсь, если полагаете...

Но, может, вернемся к нашим баранам, а именно к наличию оружия, подпольного изготовления бомб и присутствия террористов в лагерях беженцев. Как вы/ваша организация это объясняет? Похоже, что никак. Не существует.

on 05/29/06 в 19:27:37, credentes wrote:
Bylo ofitsialnoje rassledovanije, opublikovany rezultaty?


Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем Кот Муций на 05/29/06 в 20:02:00
Israil - chlen sovbeza OON
Ась? (http://www.un.org/sc/members.asp)

Не был (http://www.un.org/sc/searchres_sc_members_english.asp?sc_members=55) Израиль в Совбезе ООН никогда. А вот Сирия, поборница демократии, прав человека и непримиримый борец с террором - была (http://www.un.org/sc/searchres_sc_members_english.asp?sc_members=148), и неоднократно.

i dumaju chto jesli by dela obstojali tak, on by podnial etot vopros oficialno.
Подымал (http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/russian/news/newsid_1428000/1428681.stm), и не раз.

Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем credentes на 05/30/06 в 18:10:36
Не был Израиль в Совбезе ООН никогда. А вот Сирия, поборница демократии, прав человека и непримиримый борец с террором - была, и неоднократно.

Da, izvinite, Vy pravy. Ja oshiblas.

Подымал, и не раз.

Pardon, a chem delo konchilos? Bylo priznano, chto OOn zameshana v podderzhke terrorostov? Kem, kogda?

S uvazhenijem,


Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем credentes на 05/30/06 в 18:12:09

Но, может, вернемся к нашим баранам, а именно к наличию оружия, подпольного изготовления бомб и присутствия террористов в лагерях беженцев. Как вы/ваша организация это объясняет? Похоже, что никак. Не существует.

Ja ne sovsem ponimaju, pochemu my dolzhny eto objasniat. My voobshe-to imejem drugije tseli. Mozhet eto OON dolzhna objasniat?

S uvazhenijem


Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем credentes на 05/30/06 в 18:12:50


A mozhete ih privesti?

S uvazhenijem


Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем Antrekot на 05/30/06 в 18:31:42

on 05/30/06 в 18:12:09, credentes wrote:
Ja ne sovsem ponimaju, pochemu my dolzhny eto objasniat. My voobshe-to imejem drugije tseli. Mozhet eto OON dolzhna objasniat?

Вы ссылаетесь на ООН как на авторитет.  Вы требуете ввода _этих_ международных наблюдателей.  Вот этих, которые с кассетой.  Которым лица нужно править, чтобы они "избежали мести"...

С уважением,

Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 05/30/06 в 18:40:46
Вот этих, которые с кассетой.  Которым лица нужно править, чтобы они "избежали мести"...

Antrekot, no ved' s tochki zrenija Credentes etogo ne bylo :)

Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 05/30/06 в 22:47:51
Итак,  для Credentes. Вот что находится в сети простым поиском.


"Since the IDF soldiers entered Jenin at the beginning of April , twenty explosives factories have been uncovered, along with vast amounts of warfare armaments. In a recent press release, Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer said that words cannot describe how many Jewish lives had been spared by being able to round up such a huge quantity of weapons that were intended for the mass murder of innocent Israelis."

"Meanwhile, following the incursion into the UNRWA camp in Jenin, the IDF convened a press conference to show how UNRWA food storage bins in all of the UNRWA camps had been turned into ammunition dumps to supply armed weapons to Palestinian gunmen."

"A sweep of the premises also uncovered more than 200 weapons and explosives."


"July 31, 2002 - Acting on information supplied by the General Security Service, IDF forces discovered a large explosives factory in the Palestinian Legislative Council building in Jenin. After evacuating nearby residents, the IDF troops demolished the building, which housed more than 300 kilograms of explosives."  

In another case in the Jenin refugee camp, during the night of August 12, 2002, a routine IDF patrol discovered a number of mortar shells, homemade grenades, and bullets in a building.

"On the night of August 28, 2002, a joint IDF-ISA operation uncovered an explosives laboratory in a cave in the Jenin refugee camp. Dozens of kilograms of material for manufacturing explosives, a large pipe bomb, bottles of hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide, IDF uniforms, and various types of powders were found."

Как легко заметить, это не есть какой-то единичный промах ООН (типа оно не знало, а потом узнало. Ситуация не меняется)

Tam zhe:

"For example, Mahmoud Sarahne, a Tanzim terrorist, stated during his questioning that in March 2001, Ahmed Moughrabi, a senior Tanzim operative, established an explosives laboratory in the Dehaishe refugee camp near Bethlehem. The laboratory was used to manufacture bombs, which were later used in terrorist attacks against Israel. It was situated in the Dar Hamash neighborhood next to the Rouwdat Ibdaa Kindergarten, with which it shared a common wall - a fact that indicates the amount of risk the Palestinian children were exposed to in the event of an explosive work accident. Sarahne confessed that the laboratory contained gas canisters, explosives, fire extinguishers, and pipes for manufacturing bombs - all of which were separated from the kindergarten by only an interior wall"

Много интересной информации можно найти тут:

Есть также лагерь беженцев Джабалия (http://www.un.org/unrwa/refugees/gaza/jabalia.html), тоже под руководством UNRWA (вот карта их лагерей (http://www.passia.org/palestine_facts/MAPS/Refugees-UNWRA-2001.html)). Оттуда Кассамы часто прилетают (http://edition.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/01/26/mideast/index.html):

"Sunday evening (26.01.2003), the IDF said two rockets landed near Kibbutz Nir-Am, in southern Israel, and three others landed on fields after apparently being fired from Jabaliya refugee camp in Gaza."  

Кстати,на карту стоит обратить внимание. Она по многим параметрам интересна.

Ещё один лагерь UNRWA, Балата (http://www.wndu.com/news/062002/news_14412.php):

"Israeli troops conducting searches in the Balata refugee camp near Nablus Sunday destroyed a bomb factory in the house of a late Palestinian man suspected of terrorist activity, the Israel Defense Forces said."

А следующую статью я приведу целиком и подчеркну особо интересные места. Она того стоит.


Israel sees U.N. camps as hotbeds of revolt
Palestinians see bleak refugee homes
Dina Shiloh, Chronicle Foreign Service

Sunday, May 19, 2002

Tel Aviv -- After Israel's recent assault on what it called the Palestinians' "terrorist infrastructure" in the West Bank, the army repeatedly cited the weapons caches and bomb factories it discovered in the Jenin refugee camp.

When it considered whether to undertake a similar siege on the Gaza Strip, the chief target was the Jebaliya refugee camp.

Israelis have complained for years that the 27 refugee camps run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) are hotbeds of Palestinian extremism. Within the crowded camps in the West Bank and Gaza, the radical groups Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Tanzim and Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades stocked arms, built bombs and recruited children educated at U.N.-run schools to detonate themselves, Israel charged.

Israel contends that the U.N. agency's schools teach hatred of Jews, that squalid conditions in the camps breed festering resentments, that poverty and joblessness encourage young men to turn to terrorism, and that inadequate oversight allows illegal activities to flourish. It says that approximately half the suicide bombers who have attacked Israelis over the past 19 months of the Palestinian uprising known as the intifada were residents of, or were trained in, the Jenin refugee camp.

"Most of the illegal weapons we found just now in the West Bank were stockpiled in refugee camps. Most of the bomb-making labs were there. The camps are simply production lines for terrorists," said an Israeli Foreign Ministry source who asked that his name not be used.

"The toughest and most vicious terrorists are coming from there, and because the UNRWA staff is mostly Palestinian, they do nothing about it."


Paul McCann, the UNRWA spokesman in Gaza, sees the agency's role differently.

"The Palestinian staff cannot be isolated from their own community. I don't accept that there are bomb factories right under their noses. But even if they hear about something, they may not be able to 'blow the whistle.' You know, collaborators are shot in this part of the world," he said.

"Our job is to deal with the needs of the refugees. In the West Bank, only a quarter of the refugees live in camps -- the rest are spread out in the cities. We can't monitor the activities of every single refugee; that's not our job.

"Where there is a concentration of refugees, we provide schools, health clinics and food warehouses. But we are not the police. Asking us to police the people here is like telling the Food and Drug Administration to do something about nuclear weapons," said McCann.

For most Palestinians, the camps are not breeding grounds for terrorism, but home for hundreds of thousands of people with bleak futures.

Hassan Abdul Rahman, 35, has lived in the Jenin refugee camp all his life and went to an UNRWA school.

"Life in the refugee camps is very, very hard," Rahman said. "My father used to go to work in Israel, in construction, but there is no work now. I used to go to work with him. Since the Al Aqsa intifada broke out, we have not worked because we don't have permits to leave the West Bank anymore.

"They are using Chinese workers instead. So we have no work. We are like prisoners, stuck in the camps all day. . . . My wife and two children and I live here, we are all living in this four-room house -- my parents and us -- together. It's true we have been under Palestinian rule for a few years, but that makes no difference, because the situation here has stayed the same."

Beyond the issue of terrorism, critics say UNRWA has institutionalized dependency among four generations of Arabs, rather than helping Palestinians to rebuild their lives after they fled from their homes in Israel or were expelled from their homes by Israelis.

"In 1948, roughly 700,000 Jewish refugees were driven from Arab countries in the Middle East. There was no United Nations agency to serve their health, educational and social needs. Israel gave them the opportunity to integrate, and they were absorbed directly into the Israeli state," said David Horovitz, editor of the Jerusalem Report, a liberal Israeli current affairs magazine.

"The Arab world, on the other hand, created generation after generation of unnecessary human misery by keeping these people, and their children and grandchildren, in separate camps. So we have to ask, why is the U.N. subsidizing the misery of these people?"


One major point of contention is the U.N. schools and kindergartens, which Israel says use school textbooks that foment hatred. One exercise in a Gaza schoolbook asked, for example, "If two Jews are killed, and then another three Jews, how many Jews does that equal?"

According to the agency, its 266 schools use the same curricula and textbooks as do the host government schools.

"The content of textbooks is not our responsibility," McCann said. "UNRWA schools use the books of whatever sovereign state they are in, whether that is Egypt, Syria or Lebanon. In the West Bank, the textbooks used simply ignore Israel, if anything."

[Это тот самый случай с учебником в школе ООН. Пример в учебнике следуюший (перевожу для не читаюших на английском):"Если два еврея убиты, а потом еше 3 - какому количеству евреев это равно?" Согласно ООН же учебники во всех 266 его школах одинаковы.

Представитель ООН в Палестине отказался от ответственности за содержание учебника. "Содержание учебника - не наша ответственность. Школы UNRWA используjut книги государства, в котором находjatsja..."

Мило? Я представляю себе вой, поднявшийся бы, если бы в израильском учебнике была задачка про убитых арабов.]

Palestinian Authority-approved textbooks use maps of the Middle East that omit Israel, although the Palestinians agreed to recognize Israel in 1993 under the terms of the Oslo peace accord.

After Oslo, Israel handed over the control of the majority of the population centers in the West Bank, and all of Gaza, to the Palestinian Authority.

Israel says it was left to the Palestinian Authority to improve the refugees' standard of living and replace the camps with better housing. Instead, Israelis contend, the authority has let the camps remain intact despite the international money flowing in to help rebuild the West Bank and Gaza Strip.


"Most Israelis are aware of what they see as these weird discrepancies in the way the U.N. handles the Palestinian refugee issue," Horovitz said.

"Over a million Palestinians who have Jordanian citizenship, for example, are still classified as 'refugees.' The million-plus people in Gaza and the West Bank technically should be called 'displaced persons' and not refugees, because they are living in an area which is under the Palestinian Authority's control."

The Palestinians, for their part, blame Israel for policing the West Bank and Gaza with a heavy hand.

"The refugee camps still exist because we Palestinians, and the Palestinian Authority, cannot be expected to solve all our problems in just a few years," said Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi, a senior Palestinian negotiator and former head of the Red Crescent Society in Gaza.

Abdel Shafi said Israeli strictures on the Palestinian territories keep life there from becoming more normal. "I have lived in Gaza all my life, but life here is very difficult. There is no place for people to move, they cannot travel from one side of Gaza to the other. They are stopped and subjected to searches by soldiers.

"It makes no difference that Gaza is now under the rule of the PA, because the (Jewish) settlements, which only have a few thousand people in them, are ruining the lives of people here. There are some 15 settlements here in Gaza, and they take up nearly 20 percent of the land here. So although the refugees are taken care of by UNRWA, UNRWA is often obstructed by Israel."

Peace talks have repeatedly broken down over the issue of Palestinian refugees. At the Camp David talks in July 2000, Israel and the Palestinians came close to a deal -- only to have it fall through at the last moment when Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat demanded that the nearly 4 million people classified as refugees have the right to return to Israel. Israel refused, saying that would swamp its own population of 6.5 million.

"The tragedy," says Horovitz, "is that because of the way the U.N. keeps records, when Arafat talks about the right of return, he means 4 million people, instead of a few hundred thousand. This really could be seen as the root cause of the failure of the peace process."


Credentes, dostatochno?

Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
Прислано пользователем Кот Муций на 05/31/06 в 02:14:43
Pardon, a chem delo konchilos? Bylo priznano, chto OOn zameshana v podderzhke terrorostov? Kem, kogda?
Вот Антрекот статью (http://judaism.about.com/library/1_terrorism/bl_hardov_un.htm) принёс, где описывается, чем дело кончилось:

"The U.N. agreed (через девять месяцев) to allow Israel to view the videotapes under certain conditions:

  • The tapes would be edited in order to obscure the faces of the kidnappers.
  • The first viewing of the tapes, at the United Nations headquarters in New York, would be for an Israeli team, which included Israeli military officers and Israeli ambassador to the U.N. David Lancry
  • A second viewing session, in Vienna, would be for the families of the three kidnapped soldiers
  • Only some of the 51 items taken from the cars used to kidnap the soldiers will be given to the Israelis. (*)

    Israel initially rejected these terms and demanded to receive an uncensored and unaltered version of the videotapes. However the U.N. insisted these conditions were in the interests of U.N. neutrality. The U.N. did not want to be accused by one party in the conflict of providing intelligence to another party. In the end, the Israelis accepted the U.N.'s editing and viewing conditions of the tapes."

    * По следам крови на сиденьях в машинах можно было установить, что солдаты погибли на месте - см. в той же статье "The report also included a senior UNIFIL officer's assessment that the kidnapped soldiers died from their wounds." Израилю об этом известно не было, и он исходил из того, что солдаты живы - что использовалось Хизбаллой для шантажа.

  • Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
    Прислано пользователем Ципор на 08/29/06 в 10:32:44
    Vot eshe:

    ЮНИФИЛ передавали разведданные о войсках ЦАХАЛа в Ливане
    28.08 13:06 MIGnews.com

    Силы ООН по поддержанию мира (ЮНИФИЛ) внесли шокирующий вклад в ход военных действий между "Хизбаллой" и Израилем - они открыто публиковали ежедневные сведения о месторасположении, оборудовании и структуре израильских войск в Ливане.

    Официально почти двухтысячный контингент миротворческих сил ООН в Южном Ливане соблюдает нейтралитет. Однако в течение недавней войны на сайте ЮНИФИЛ в Интернете размещалась информация о перемещении солдат ЦАХАЛа, их вооружении и экипировке, сообщает издание The Weekly Standart. Зачастую оперативная информация размещалась на сайте через полчаса или в течение суток после описываемых событий.

    Тем временем, UNIFIL не сообщала разведывательные данные о действиях "Хизбаллы". Информация о "Хизбалле" выглядела следующим образом: "Ракеты запущены в большом количестве из различных точек".

    Эта информация не могла поступить ни из каких других источников, кроме как от самих "голубых касок" в Ливане, поскольку израильская цензура запрещает публикацию данных о передвижении войск и военном оборудовании в прессе.

    Анализ сообщений ЮНИФИЛ показывает, что "голубые каски" ежедневно передавали информацию о позициях, с которых солдаты ЦАХАЛа вели огонь. При этом информация о передвижении и позициях "Хизбаллы" никогда не попадала на страницы вебсайта.

    via sima_korets

    - Ссылка(англ.) на статью в The Weekly Standart

    - Ссылка(англ.) на сайт UNIFIL с ежедневными пресс-релизами, содержащими тактическую информацию. Рекоммендую посмотреть пресс-релизы за 19-25 июля, обычно это первый или второй абзац.

    Заголовок: Re: Как ООН помогает террористам
    Прислано пользователем Игорь Островский на 08/30/06 в 15:01:41
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