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Вавилонская Башня >> Вавилонская Блудница и ее обычай >> "Создай Вавилон" - 6
(Message started by: Ципор на 04/09/04 в 22:43:58)

Заголовок: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 04/09/04 в 22:43:58
Ссылка на страну:

Информация о стране:
The Republic of Hattireich is a huge, socially progressive nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its compassionate, hard-working population of 339 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

The enormous government is effectively ruled by the Department of Education, with areas such as Religion & Spirituality and Defence receiving almost no funds by comparison. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 28%. A small but healthy private sector is led by the Book Publishing industry, followed by Automobile Manufacturing and Information Technology.

Smoking is banned in public areas, the government is making attempts at curtailing the flood of spam emails with little progress, sales of fishnet stockings have reached a record high, and space research funding has hit a recent high while several military bases are being closed down. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is relatively low, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Hattireich's national animal is the cat and its currency is the t-rouble.

Hattireich is ranked 1388th in the region and 34,337th in the world for Smartest Citizens.

Новые проблемы:

A group of concerned parishioners and soccer moms has petitioned the government of Hattireich to outlaw heavy metal music, which they fear is a bad influence on youngsters.

The Debate
"Heavy metal music is a plague in our good nation and its God-fearing people!" argues local priest and easy listening advocate Roger Fellow. "Just the other day, I heard a song by some group called Hell's Irate Puppies with a sinful quantity of bass and drum... oh, and there were probably some lines about killing parents, too, I'd imagine! It's vital that we ban this music, and remove this terrible influence from our children's lives! Think of the children!"

"Whoa, man... what's with the, like, censorship and stuff?" asks Dave Rifkin, scruffy-haired bassist of the popular speed metal band The Destroyinators. "You can't, like, censor the music, man. That's how we express ourselves! Every bass beat is me baring my soul! Every howl is me complainin' about how my parents tried to kick me out of their basement! Besides, what's wrong with Satan? He's just misunderstood anyway. I say promote the arts, man!"

"You know, this heavy metal issue has me thinking," says Alexei Li, your brother, over your weekly game of cribbage. "If these long-haired freaks want to put out their devil-worshipping metal, why don't we let them? Of course, we'll put a little subliminal propoganda into every song... after all, don't these guys owe their freedom of expression to you?"


Members of a new weird religious cult, called the Order of Violet, ask for the government to appease their mighty god by offering Her a sacrifice of the human variety.

The Debate
"What have we got to lose?" says religious freedoms advocate Johan Jefferson. "Just cut up a few homeless folk- it appeases this group's bloodthirsty Goddess, gets rid of unsightly bums that drain welfare, and everybody goes home happy."

"We must go much further than a few beggars!" argues the overzealous High Member of the Order of Violet, Violet Trax. "You must pass a law that everyone’s first born child must be slaughtered, on live TV if possible. Think of the viewing figures!"

"You aren't going to listen to these whackjob Violetists, are you?" comments Konrad Mistletoe while leading a prayer group. "Human sacrifices! Surely we're too civilized to permit such barbaric practices! These lunatic fringe groups should be outlawed, their leaders should be executed!"

"Who's being a lunatic?" retorts Clint Hendrikson of the Hattireich Humanitarian Society. "I agree that these practices ought to be outlawed, but instead of sinking to the same level of these fanatics and killing our fellow people, why not simply start a re-education program? Even the worst person can be rehabilitated into a useful member of society, with enough time, care, and lots and lots of funding!"


A recent, well-publicized UFO sighting over rural areas of Hattireich has turned people's attention to the skies, and what... or who... might be up there.

The Debate
"This event proves one thing: there are other life-forms out there," says eccentric astronomer Al Trax, "All we have to do is find them! What is the price of a few hundred Radio Telescopes compared to the benefit of living in peace and harmony with our brethren of the stars?"

"Spies! Its gotta be spies! A few planes or satellites from our enemies or 'allies' in our region," rages General Miranda Spirit, head of Hattireich's military, "The only way to keep those snoops out of our airspace is to patrol the streets 'n skies, and shoot 'em down! Even if they are some sort of little green aliens, a couple of SAM batteries and a few flak cannons'll keep 'em from abducting our cats."

"Extraterrestrial lifeforms? Alien invaders? I don't know why we even have to listen to such idiocy!" complains prize-winning physicist Aaron Thiesen, "The idea of 'aliens' on another planet is highly unlikely, and even if they did exist, getting from there to here is technically impossible! I say we forget this nonsense and stop spending our tax dollars on it. Leave this sort of foolishness to the people who attend those 'trekkie' conventions."

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем sirmal на 04/09/04 в 23:42:20
Heavy metall - dismiss
UFO - dismiss
Сектантов - к ногтю (вариант 3).

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем Бенедикт на 04/10/04 в 12:33:06
О сектантах: одно дело, если бы они сами убили кого-то, и другое - когда они попросили у правительства разрешения. Я бы выбрал вариант 4, но налоги у нас и без того приличные. Поэтому dismiss.

Металлисты - тоже dismiss.

Инопланетяне - вариант 3.

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 04/10/04 в 12:41:12
Металлисты - dismiss

Сектанты - dismiss, согласна с Бенедиктом

Инопланетяне - dismiss (Бенедикт, выбор варианта 3 может привести к закрытию серьезных научных исследований на предмет поиска жизни в космосе)

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем R2R на 04/10/04 в 14:23:20
Металлисты - dismiss
UFO - dismiss
Сектанты - вариант 3.

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем Antrekot на 04/10/04 в 14:46:45
Всех в сад.

С уважением,

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 04/16/04 в 19:13:32
подсчет голосов. Все три проблемы - dismiss

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 04/16/04 в 19:24:36
Новые проблемы.

Time to Put the Older Senators Out to Pasture?

The Issue
Many people are starting to think that it's time to put term limits on elected officials, given the average age of 70 years old and 40 years of service in the nation's Parliament.

The Debate
"It's time to get these lifetime politicians off the government payroll!" says term-limits advocate Akira Mombota "Let them get real jobs like the rest of us once they leave office. Besides, if they are currently a Senator, they can always run for another office like Governor. This gives people the right to elect whomever they want to run for office, just not the same office forever. It'll keep things from going completely stale!"

"Wait a minute" says Konrad Utopia, chairman of the national Infinite Power party. "We pay a lot of money to get those people into office. It can take several terms before we get a return on our investment, I mean, candidates. We should extend the number of years for each term, not limit the number of times a person can serve in any specific office!"

Your aunt's mother's step-sister's best friend's hairstylist, Buffy Love, pooh-poohs the entire idea. "You know how to run your country, yes? Why deal with the hassle of elected officials and elections in the first place, yes? Eliminate elections and this entire term limit issue becomes moot, yes?"


Compensation Culture Must End, Say Corporations

The Issue
After a recent spate of high-profile lawsuits against corporations concerning the safety of their products, corporations have appealed to the government to change the laws of compensation.

The Debate
"It's crazy!" cries Alexei Chicago, CEO of Sharp 'n' Pointy Things Incorporated. "These people should simply not be allowed to put the blame on us if they mindlessly abuse our products! I'd have thought it would be common sense not to stick your hand in a blender to 'see if it was working properly'. We need to outlaw these ridiculous lawsuits so I can get on with my business and those working in the law profession can get on with theirs."

"I'm almost inclined to agree," muses Falala Broadside, a nearby firefighter. "People really should know better than to dry their cats in the microwave oven. But it's also that microwave oven that should not start a fire if one leaves it running overnight. Let's just put higher national safety standards in place that all products must be certified to meet. The extra expense shouldn't worry people if it's the difference between life and death after all."

"There's nothing wrong with victims getting a little money for the damage they've suffered," claims Prudence Jong-Il, Hattireich's most notorious lawyer. "In fact we should be increasing court capacities so everyone with a complaint to file won't have to wait long before they can get before a judge. Sure it'll be expensive to implement, but maybe then the manufacturers will think twice before selling their unsafe junk without explaining things clearly in the manuals!"

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем smrx на 04/16/04 в 21:25:34
Сроки пребывания сенаторов у власти:
Вариант 1.

Компенсации потребителям товаров:
Вариант 2.

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем sirmal на 04/16/04 в 22:30:05
Сенаторы - 1.
Компании - в лес.

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем R2R на 04/17/04 в 11:08:51
Сенаторы - вариант 1.
Компенсации - в лес.

Заголовок: Re: "Создай Вавилон" - 6
Прислано пользователем Ципор на 04/23/04 в 17:21:50
сенаторы - в лес

компенсации - два

по сенаторам большинство за вариант 1. По компенсациям подождем еще :)

Новые проблемы.

An anonymous society of 'cinematic aficionados' have brought the debate over the proposed disposal of the watershed to your attention.

The Debate
"We don't need a watershed!" scoffs 'romantic-movie' buff, Randy Barry. "I don't see why I should wait 'til way past midnight to watch my preferred film genre. It's high time that parents stopped treating their children like... well, children! If you sugar-coat these kids' lives, they'll just end up seeing everything through rose-tinted glasses - and we can't have a country filled with spoilt brats now, can we?"

"This is an endorsement of bad taste if ever I saw it," says Max Li, a child-care worker. "It's just wrong to subject children to graphic violence and nudity on afternoon television like this: who knows what it might possess them to do? We've all heard stories of kids who have seen some film where someone jumped off a cliff and then gone off to have a shot themselves. We must ban all violent and salacious material from our TV screens. If only to protect the innocence of our progeny!"


A group of transport analysts have suggested that a charge of five t-roubles a day for vehicle access to Hattireich's most congested inner-cities during peak hours is the only way to solve their ever-growing traffic problem.

The Debate
"Similar schemes have been very effective elsewhere," says Pip Steele, Hattireich's most infamous traffic warden. "It's common sense that the best way to curb dangerously high demand is to raise the price of the supply - or, as in this case, to create a price. Charging citizens to go into more congested areas could, combined with the improvements to public transport it will finance, actually make people choose public transport over their cars. I don't see why people shouldn't pay tax for a little less traffic on our roads."

"These tolls are a preposterous idea," argues road lobbyist, Klaus Winters. "Public transport will never replace the car - I don't want to be forced to share my space with a bunch of malodorous working-class people on my way to work. Not that I would be, because I could afford the charge, but really, it's the principle of the matter! The only solution is to expand urban road networks. True, some pavements and green spots would have to go, but those pedestrians should be able to put up with that if they're to expect Hattireich to be part of the modern world."

"Allowing cars to scoot around and pollute our cities was a bad idea in the first place," says Pip Mistletoe, a famous environmentalist. "The solution is to restrict private transport to main roads and motorways whilst funding a major urban public transport scheme. Our buses and undergrounds could be the envy of the world! Yes, the car companies will suffer a little, and yes, there'll be a bit more tax, but wouldn't it be worth it for a bit of fresh air and safe streets for the children?"


A growing group of Hattireich's citizens are battling for an end to unrequested solicitations from salesmen.

The Debate
"This has to stop," says mild-mannered parent George W. Wu. "My family can't even have dinner without being interrupted at least five times by telemarketers or door-to-door salesmen! My privacy is being invaded! The government ought to ban all forms of unrequested solicitations from salespeople. The sanity of the populace is at stake here!"

"This must be a joke," retorts insurance sales solicitor Jennifer Longbottom, in between cold calls. "Telemarketing and door-to-door sales are some of the most effective methods of increasing revenues. Banning them would be a huge blow to business, and put thousands of workers out of their jobs! Let's face the facts - Hattireich needs an economy, and banning cold calls isn't the best of ways to improve it. One way you could improve it would be to, say, give us some government funds. For the sake of Hattireich, of course."


Информация по стране.

The Republic of Hattireich is a huge, socially progressive nation, remarkable for its burgeoning cat population. Its compassionate, hard-working population of 418 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.

The enormous government is effectively ruled by the Department of Education, with areas such as Religion & Spirituality and Defence receiving almost no funds by comparison. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 29%. A substantial private sector is led by the Uranium Mining industry, followed by Book Publishing and Automobile Manufacturing.

Sales of fishnet stockings have reached a record high, space research funding has hit a recent high while several military bases are being closed down, protesters are up in arms over new nuclear power stations, and religious organizations are being forced to leave the country or pay income taxes like everybody else. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is relatively low, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Hattireich's national animal is the cat and its currency is the t-rouble.

Hattireich is ranked 3332nd in the region and 56,366th in the world for Largest Gambling Industries.

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